Some things just need to be said...

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Grizzly Inquiry into Campbell Liberals FOI Case

Grizzly Inquiry into Campbell Liberals FOI Case

A precedent-setting legal review before BC’s Freedom of Information and Privacy Commissioner is underway. The Campbell Liberals have refused to turn over public information with respect to where grizzly bears are killed in BC despite a court of appeal decision in April 2004 directing them too.
“A clear decision was already made by the courts. The outright defiance by the government to provide us with the grizzly bear data we need only makes me question what they are trying to hide,” said Chris Genovali, Executive Director of Raincoast Conservation.

The society is asking for the figures in digital format so it can easily measure scientific data to determine the health of BC’s grizzly population.

Broken Promise #1

"The most open, accountable and democratic government in Canada"
- A New Era for BC

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