Some things just need to be said...

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Letter writer says "usual politician scam of a so called "answer".

"That interview was so awesome"

Below is a letter sent to in response to a news video of BC Liberal MLA's Sindi Hawkins, Rick Thorpe and John Weisbeck. Reporters were invited to the beach near the Okanagan Lake Bridge by the Liberal government for what was stated would be an announcement about the bridge. What happened next was pretty unreal. Two MLA's, Liberal Sindi Hawkins and Rick Thorpe lost it when reporters said they had been hoodwinked into coming to a "non-news" event.

Generic Answers Questioned

To the editor:
In regards to the interview Castanet did with Sindi Hawkins and the other 2 politicians at the "bridge opening".

I just want to say that was the best interview I have ever seen. FINALLY some reporters with enough guts to ask questions and actually pursue the answer when they are given the usual politician scam of a so called "answer". It's so frustrating when you watch a reporter ask a really good question that should be properly addressed, only to get a totally generic answer and the reporter is too scared to ask again!

That interview was so awesome, I forwarded it to friends and I hope it's still floating around the INTERNET!!!

You guys could give those reporters at CNN some advice!!!

John Weisbeck was the only one that came out of that looking okay. The other 2 should be embarrassed. I was embarrassed for them! By the end of the interview they couldn't have seemed more arrogant. Do they really think that we are stupid enough to believe that all of their hoopla is NOT because of an upcoming election??

I hope to see more of you guys in the future and thanks for asking all of the questions that real BC'ers want to hear!!!


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