Some things just need to be said...

Monday, May 30, 2005

Newest biblical prophecy from Harper delegate

Tax Status lost soon, newest biblical prophecy from Harper delegate

Conservative MP Vic Toews warns that his concerns about the Civil Marriage Bill are very real. He told the National Post, it's about churches losing their tax status. "They'll say, 'Well, you've got the right to refuse (to marry same-sex couples), but since you're discriminating in a manner that's similar to racism, that is the equation that is being made here and the arguments, you're not entitled to these kind of income-tax benefits, I know that's coming."

Toews is one of the Conservative members on the Civil Marriage Bill committee. Toews wants some 22 different witnesses to appear as part of his strategy to drag the bill through the summer and into the fall. This is one of the stratagies of the Defend Marriage coalition to kill the bill. If they can prevent it from passing before an election or force it to the fall they have bought more time to fight it.

see Queer Thoughts for more.

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