Some things just need to be said...

Monday, January 23, 2006

Google search "interesting and boring sites"

Now this is one of those funny little search things that happens with google. Someone came to my site today after searching google for "interesting person in British Columbia". I am always interested in how people find me so I clicked on the search meyself to see what google found. Moi, me at number one. It just goes to show me I may be more interesting than my friends think I am.

Of course its not really that, its the way search engines work. A quirk nevertheless, I will take it!

Now having seen that I thought why not search for "boring person in British Columbia".

I was dreading my site would come up again. It did not to my relief.

Now many regular visitors will get the irony of who did come up. Check it out for yourself here!

I have to say that is the second best thing I found on the Internet today!

Try it for yourself, see what you get!

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