Some things just need to be said...

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Layton did what was needed...

At least that is what some of his critics said ...

"For his part, Jack Layton may have lured wavering liberal-left voters back into the NDP camp - or at least given them pause. He was calm, personable and articulate, portraying the Liberals and Conservatives as equally sanguine about private health care, equally out of touch with ordinary Canadian concerns." (Susan Riley, Ottawa Citizen)

"Layton and the NDP should be much energized by the debate." (Paul Willcocks, Penticton Herald)

"Layton, arguably, was the best performer Monday night, most relaxed in front of the camera and able to illustrate his points in every-day language and using practical examples. The NDP leader, who unlike Martin and Harper, showed no sign of campaign weariness, urged voters to choose "the third option," his party." (Barbara Yaffe, Vancouver Sun)

Election, Liberal Party, Jack Layton, NDP

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